keep updated with the latest digital news
Hari Guru Nasional diperingati setiap tahunnya untuk mengapresiasi kerja keras para guru sebagai pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa. Hal ini membuat warganet meramaikan platform Twitter dengan ucapan dan tagar #HariGuruNasional2019. Baca lengkapnya di sini.
The digital marketing world has grown massively these recent years. Based on We Are Social and Hootsuite on Global Digital Report 2019, internet users now have reached more than 4 billion people. The rapid development of the digital world has pushed businesses to make significant changes in selling
Isi pidato tersebut menuai banyak pujian dari netizen. Bahkan artis ibukota pun ikut meramaikannya dengan berkomentar. Mau tahu fakta menarik apa saja dibalik trendingnya pidato Nadiem Makarim? Berikut ulasannya untuk Anda.
Peralihan budaya media sosial yang mulai menerapkan hal-hal simpel, mulai diterapkan oleh aplikasi Facebook Dating melalui fitur story
The world of digital marketing always revolves around trends. Trend always change from time to time. A good digital marketing agency will always look for the latest news of every aspect.
Twitter memperkenalkan fitur terbarunya yaitu ‘Schedule Tweet’ yang membuat penggunanya bisa menjadwalkan kapan tweet akan dipublish. Namun fitur ini masih tahap uji coba. Baca lengkapnya di sini.
We live in 21st century where everything is interconnected with each other by the internet. It's something that we take it for granted. But many people don't see much potential from the internet technology that we have.
Para penikmat streaming musik kini sudah dihadirkan aplikasi baru dari perusahaan ternama yaitu Amazon yang sudah membuat saham Spotify turun pada bulan November
We all know whenever we need to find information, Google is the best place to go. We get information as easy as clicking a button. But, did we ever stop and think how does it work? How does Google show all the information we need in just a matter of seconds? Well, it all thanks to the algorithm it h
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