, Tangerang – Digital marketing in video game industry has been proven, time and time again, to be very beneficial in both terms of monetary and reputation gain, for both the businessmen (or company) and investors involved. In this modern age where online business pops up left and right to become popular over a single night, video game industry is just the pillar we all need to further place our hold in both local market and international market community. Sure, video game industry may not 100% global wide scale yet, as not just anyone can develop a working video game and gain profit from it, but it never hurts to have some pointers should you have the opportunity to do so. Still, just like how we used to mention that digital marketing is not a win button for online business, a business plan involving a video game promotion on social media is not a sure fire killer either. Read these 3 common digital marketing mishaps in video game industry by Nata Connexindo Tangerang below, so you know what to avoid.
1. Numb Skull Mindset
We start with one of the most annoying factor that will kill your chance at video game industry from the get go. Maybe you don’t play any video game, but that is no excuse to not learning about them... or worse, belittling them. Viewers will notice if you don’t know what you’re doing about the video game sales project on your social media ads and other promotion campaigns.
This usually result from a close-minded view like ‘video games are for kids’, ‘video games are just toys’, and so on. You will inevitably insult gamers worldwide and they will never be your potential customers or investors in the future!
2. Childish Expectations
Similar to the number one above, but a little bit more specialized. Maybe you’re not judging video games or anything, but don’t forget that it is business. Video game industry is a SERIOUS BUSINESS that involves a lot of money, ranging from millions to billions. So if you think you can just partner up with a video game company, promote their games offhandedly, and expect to make some quick bucks... You’re in for a world of hurt. Just one important point from 3 common digital marketing mishaps in video game industry.
3. Wrong Genre Savvy
Now you should know that you shouldn’t disrespect the video game industry or not commit serious effort on them just because they’re ‘toys’. Hasbro sells toys, and they made the Transformer series which made billions, so don’t. Still, you must have enough knowledge to survive.
Let’s say the video game you’re promoting is an all-ages, kids friendly game. Use rainbow effects, pretty colors, and so on. The video game is mystery thriller for adults? Use noir filters, dark colors, and maybe some blood undertones. Match your method with the target market and genre! Remember, video game made especially for adults exist everywhere now, so don’t expect to create a following if you treat them like teenagers.
And those were 3 common digital marketing mishaps in video game industry. Remember that business is business, and should not be taken lightly no matter how they are shaped. We of Nata Connexindo Tangerang implores you to be creative and respect every kind of market out there! (GK)