, Tangerang – Recently, WhatsApp has been widely used for digital marketing sales pitches, advertising campaigns, social media promotions, and many more. This hand dandy little app sure packs a punch when it comes to delivering plenty of text messages at lightning quick speed, if not more. It also keeps getting upgraded, and can also be used effectively to deliver phone calls, audio logs, images, photos, videos, documents, and so much more, in just a single tap! Since you can freely download it to your smart device (phone, tablet, laptop, what have you), it is very flexible to use WhatsApp for digital marketing purposes. Each and very single one of your company’s staff simply needs to install one, and everyone will be connected into a fast line of business network! In fact, there are 3 main methods of using
WhatsApp for digital marketing campaigns. We of Nata Connexindo will implore you with the facts down below! Ready?
One to One Chat
The most basic form of usage for WhatsApp. You can send messages, photos, videos, and other documents in lightning fast speed, without a hassle. You can do this with your co workers to quickly share info, or many of your clients and investors to keep them updated of the latest business progress!
Broadcast List
Via broadcast lists in
WhatsApp Marketing Campaign, you can send a message to anyone in your contact list who has your number saved in the address book of their phones. You can do it to 256 people at the same time, making it a very effective sales tool!
What happens in a WhatsApp group chat stays in the group. No outsiders can interfere, so everything can stay secret. Imagine if you use this feature for your clients and investors? Secrecy secured, money comes!