AR Technology Advantages for Digital Marketing, Tangerang – Everyone in the digital marketing field by now knows what is VR or Virtual Reality Technology, but what about its sibling, AR or
Augmented Reality technology? Augmented Reality in some ways is similar to VR, but people often mistakes them for the same thing with a slightly different jargon language. No! AR or Augmented Reality is doing its own thing to promote your products, brands, services, and many more through project a live 3D feed of them in the open space of real world. Your customers and investors don’t need to wear fancy headsets or special contact lenses and the like; simply see them directly through the realistic projection of Augmented Reality! This is very useful to avoid unnecessary costs, saving money, and overall delivering a solid presentation to a wider audience without having them go through a complex procedure. Sure, there are still some limitations to what an AR can do, but it is nevertheless a very impressive tool to help you out in
digital marketing strategy! Today, we of Nata Connexindo is here to share some of the best advantages of using
augmented reality for marketing!
Raising Brand Awareness
Self explanatory. The sheer ‘wow’ factor of your AR presentation will get your company brand’s much more attention than the usual fare of online advertising. The brand new, cool experience will hook in so many potential customers than it ever did with other media so far. Thus, raising
brand awareness and getting more piece of that market share.
Increasing Engagement
Continuing from the previous point, one of the biggest AR technology advantages for digital marketing is how it lets your customers and potential investors to interact directly with your products! They can view it from all angle, touch it, and even arrange it according to the user guide! All without restricting themselves with a VR headset! Augmented Reality is great for your
digital marketing campaign!
Great Experience
As said before, Augmented Reality or AR is still not world wide phenomenon that can be used by anyone just yet. Simply giving them the chance to interact with your product’s AR projection will be a very special experience they won’t forget anytime soon.
And those were a few of the AR technology advantages for digital marketing! We of Nata Connexindo bids you goodbye until the next article!