, Tangerang – Many have their own digital skeletons in their history of marketing, which including but not limited to
digital marketing! Digital marketing or not, there is always that unknown factor that may make things go wrong, no matter how much you prepare your business plan, sales tool, and anything else. There may be a change in the marketing trend, a diverse taste in products, or a fad you can’t just keep up with to make that particular product afloat for a long time. It would be beneficial to know these
fears in digital marketing today, so you wouldn’t be as freaked out when you do encounter them (VERY likely), and also know how to handle them better. Here are some fears in digital marketing world you should be wary about!
Integrity Maintenance
One of the key things to success in digital marketing is keeping your company’s business integrity in check every single day. After all, you’re doing money transaction ranging from millions to billions online, so growing that trust between you and customers plus investors is vital. If the client happens to be loaded and yet morally wrong, you may be tempted to accept anyway... Don’t. You have integrity to keep your business in principle, not being pushed around by money. Doing this every day, every transaction, can make you nervous!
I am Vulnerable
Digital marketing is fast thanks to using the internet, but that’s also where many problems like virus, spam, fake ads, and many more pops out. If you’re not well educated in the latest computer technology, things may go overwhelming for you.
Rapid Changes
Digital marketing is fast because using the internet. But that also means rapid changes in business practice, sales fads, marketing trends, and so on are always happening in the background. It can be very tough to keep up with everything, so much that people are afraid and prefer to go back to traditional marketing!
Those were the fears in digital marketing we can share with you today. We of
Nata Connexindo hopes to see you again next time!