, Tangerang – Digital marketing is a vast array of business, in a large scale of online business that may or may not render traditional marketing almost completely irrelevant by now. However, with the way the world is going gung-ho all about the way online business is conducted through
digital marketing lately, a fine line is drawn: if everything is online... why should we go to work at an office? Why don’t we do every single job in the online business venture by using our laptops and Wi-Fi connection at home? Yes, why don’t we do digital marketing business by
working from home, full time? This may be the most asked questions in the business world today, no matter if it’s the local market or international market that gets targeted. People are right through, with everyone having access to the internet and social media, it is a simple matter of using digital marketing to promote your products or services throughout the magic of online business. Of course, there are cold facts about how traditional marketing is still superior in a few areas when compared to digital marketing, and there are also some problems on how about the social media constructs the local market and international market... However, this article is not about those. Nata Connexindo Tangerang will analyze how digital marketing work at home will hold in the real world!

First off, remote working relies a whole lot on internet connection (and plenty of regular office work too, these days), so you need some starting ground before you can establish your online business. First off the bat, you need a capable computer or laptop to do your digital marketing work of promoting things via the social media. Second, you need a good internet connection to keep your online business stay in touch as much as you can every day. Remember, a good customer service where you an reply to customers and investors quickly is a must! Third off, you need some help from either other human workers or machines. Yup, even working at home require you to have some extra pair of hands to do various things like printing, copying, delivering, and so much more. Working at home means you’ll be mostly working alone, but it will help tremendously if you have some outside help, even when you don’t meet face to face. You can also ask your family members to help, but don’t forget to compensate them too! Another important factor for working at home to us Nata Connexindo is on how establish partnerships with investors. You will inevitably need to get out physically for your business, even just for a few hours. Don’t worry, this is normal. So just tough it out out there to meet your clients and investors from time to time, so your future digital marketing work at home will be better.
One last thing about this whole working at home jazz, is the channels of your social media, or rather, your target marketing. Being at home may render your important data of customer interaction that’s usually gotten by traditional marketing. Therefore, you must assert you range of business network throughout the local market and international market, added with some physical meeting occasionally, then you’ll be golden! And that was digital marketing work at home by Nata Connexindo! We hope to see you next time! (GK)