, Tangerang – Digital marketing has always been a very powerful tool at your online business disposal, ready to boost sales and promote interesting campaigns as you see fit. One can even say that digital marketing is a godly tool that grant anything your business wants, namely gaining more profit, loyal customers, and high potential investors all in one.
With so much going on with digital marketing and how it can utilize the many forms of social media near flawlessly as its branding strategy these days, you may be confused and want to ask several questions. One, how to use all of these nice features of digital marketing offer to you? Two, is there any more use for traditional marketing now this beast has arrived? Three, is there any meaningful pitfalls and negatives in digital marketing you must be aware of? For question number one, it just comes to a lot of studying and practicing, which we better discuss in another article. For question number two, yes, since traditional marketing has its own charm and advantages in dealing with both the local market and international market. As for the third question, yes, it has plenty of negatives you should be aware of, and that’s what we’ll be covering in this article. Here are the top 3 common pitfalls in digital marketing by Nata Connexindo Tangerang:
1. Insufficient Funds
One of the worst way for digital marketing to make your online business campaign fails is to not paying attention at the cost. Yes, digital marketing uses social media platforms and many other ‘free’ tools that you can use over and over again without extra expense on your wallet. Problem is, people sometimes forget that these tools require early investment. Using Instagram and Facebook for your business plan? Good, but remember that they require computers, laptops, tablets, and smart phones to use, which you need to own a few first. You may also need to buy extra tech to amplify your online business like power adapters, wi-fi routers, signal booster, case covers, and so on.
Yes, you can use them almost indefinitely once you own them. Still you need to buy them first, which may cost you a fortune at the beginning before you even open for business, so keep this in mind.
2. Not Meeting Customers’ Needs
Selling your products or services is fine, but you must pay attention to what customer wants. Maybe they need a different variant of your product, or maybe they need extra attention to the customer service center. Make sure you keep a good communication with your customers and potential investors so they will stay loyal to you. That’s just another one of top 3 common pitfalls in digital marketing!
3. Outdated Mechanics
It’s so easy to fall out of trend when facing the countless updates and news in the world today. Still you must include some new, fresh ideas in your business plan for digital marketing campaigns quite often, or you will lag behind in sales. Include games, quizzes, or even outdoor promotion and sales event that will attract new customers and investors. Can’t keep relying on Facebook and Instagram posts alone!
And those were the top 3 common pitfalls in digital marketing by Nata Connexindo, Tangerang. We hope to see you again in different articles next time! (GK)